Accessible files
Config = {
Framework = "qb", -- qb or esx
Theme = "aqua", -- aqua, blue, purple, red, yellow
DiscordLink = "", -- Discord Link
YoutubeLink = "", -- Youtube Link
Announcements = {
title = "Welcome to the server!",
message = "Welcome to the server! We hope you enjoy your stay!",
date = "2024-05-04 00:00:00",
title = "Welcome to the server!",
message = "Welcome to the server! We hope you enjoy your stay!",
date = "2024-05-04 00:00:00",
title = "Welcome to the server!",
message = "Welcome to the server! We hope you enjoy your stay!",
date = "2024-05-04 00:00:00",
title = "Welcome to the server!",
message = "Welcome to the server! We hope you enjoy your stay!",
date = "2024-05-04 00:00:00",
title = "Welcome to the server!",
message = "Welcome to the server! We hope you enjoy your stay!",
date = "2024-05-04 00:00:00",
title = "Welcome to the server!",
message = "Welcome to the server! We hope you enjoy your stay!",
date = "2024-05-04 00:00:00",
title = "Welcome to the server!",
message = "Welcome to the server! We hope you enjoy your stay!",
date = "2024-05-04 00:00:00",
Locales = {
["currentTime"] = "TIME",
["currentDate"] = "DATE",
["logoMain"] = "GEN",
["logoSub"] = "Pause Menu",
["logoSubBg"] = "Pause Menu",
["activePlayers"] = "ACTIVE PLAYERS",
["gameButtonText"] = "GAME",
["mapButtonText"] = "MAP",
["mapButtonTitle"] = "INFORMATION",
["mapButtonDescription"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nisi consequatur debitis, perspiciatis iusto molestiae animi omnis accusamus officiis illum aliquid.",
["settingsButtonTitle"] = "WARNING",
["settingsButtonDescription"] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nisi consequatur debitis, perspiciatis iusto molestiae animi omnis accusamus officiis illum aliquid.",
["playerName"] = "Player",
["jobTitle"] = "Proffession",
["totalPlayTimeTitle"] = "Total Play Time",
["bankAccountTitle"] = "Bank Account",
["cashAccountTitle"] = "Cash Amount",
["miniGamesButton"] = "MINIGAMES",
["exitGameButton"] = "EXIT GAME",
["announceSectionTitle"] = "SERVER",
["announceSectionText"] = "ANNOUNCE",
["discordLinkButton"] = "DISCORD",
["exitPageTitle"] = "EXIT THE",
["exitPageText"] = "GAME",
["exitBtnCancel"] = "CANCEL",
["exitBtnAccept"] = "EXIT",
["gamePageTitle"] = "MINI",
["gamePageText"] = "GAMES",
["exitMenuTitle"] = "EXIT MENU",
Last updated
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